Project 6

The MASK Project 1 –  Modeling of integrated academic-language compentences (2020 – 2023)

Funded by DFG

Cooperation of University of Bremen and  DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation  in Frankfurt am Main

The project aims to investigate academic linguistic competences amongst students taking up English-medium studies in Germany. The project employs integrated formats and innovative assessment schemes, with a specific focus on empirically analysing and refining the construct of integrated tasks that aim to assess academic-linguistic competences in a lingua-franca context. An innovative assessment scheme is to be developed by combining human ratings and automated text analyses. Moreover, the project aims to answer the fundamental question whether integrated assessment offers advantages over current practices of testing and/or reporting the sub-competences separately.

Project Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Claudia Harsch and Prof. Dr. Johannes Hartig

Valeriia Koval and Ximena Delgado Osorio are working on their PhDs which are situated within this project.